Our Little Dogs

Molly Aja
Molly is a purebred Miniature Pinscher born Feb 14, 1997. She loves eating the carpet, howling, and tormenting our cat Celeste. She also grins (full teeth) every time she sees us. Aja (pronounced like the continent "Asia") is a purebred miniature Australlian Shepherd, born May 23, 2003. She loves hearding Molly, chasing celeste (our cat) and chewing on anything she can fit into her mouth, including small children.
Not really.
Update, Oct 2006. We lost both of our beloved dogs this week. First, Molly had to be euthanized due to her age. She had lost all of her eyesight, and suffered many injuries from falling off of steps, running into doors and walls, and so on. It was the humane thing to do. Then, less than a week later, Aja found some roach traps, ate them, and died shortly afterward. We will miss them both very much!

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