Kyle David Summy
Kyle David Summy
Kyle David Summy, better known simply as Kyle was born at Memorial Women's Hospital in Long Beach California, September 10, 1995. Born 3 weeks early has become an indication of the way he will live his life. He's been early on practically every step of his short life, including taking his first full step (at 10 months), Saying his first complete sentence (at 1 year, "I want out!"), and beginning potty training (at approximately 18 months). His favorite hobbies are computers just like his dad, and playing with his best buddy "Spiro". A stuffed dragon he loves dearly (named after the famous "Spiro The Dragon" from our Playstation). Kyle has found that math is his most favorite subject in school and often does work 1 or 2 grade levels above his own. He is a student at Justin Elementary School in Simi Valley. He's a very outgoing child and loves to be read to. We expect Kyle to soar in what ever he chooses in life.