The Summy Home Page

An Open Letter To The State Of California


[The Summy Family Tree]

If you are a Summy or a descendent of a Summy, and would like to contribute to this page or to the Family Tree, or wish to have your own page on this website, or would like a link in this site to your own website, we are interested! Please e-mail us at

We are currently building the family tree and have information dating back to the 1600's in Switzerland, Alsace and Holland. We are assembling this information and will post what we know here on this website soon. Please stay tuned! The information we have thus far has been provided (through a HUGE effort) by John Summy of Palmyra, PA, and Dwight Summy of Yuba City, CA. It is our hope that this web site will in some way make their efforts worthwhile and more successful.

This web site is owned and operated by the Anthony K. Summy family, as a hobby, out of our home in Southern Oregon.  Please visit our Anthony K. Summy family home page! Thank you!

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